[MWDC2017] 2nd Day

지난 시간에 이어서, MWDC의 2번째 날에 들었던 내용을 정리하는 시간을 가져보겠습니다.


  • 0 MWDC란?
  • 1 Lazy loading JS modules in the Browser
  • 2 iOS Testing & Debugging
  • 3 KeyNote: Optimizing ur app for profitability
  • 4 Delivering a better UX with in-app support
  • 5 Be offensive: Proactively Assessing Your iOS
  • 6 Scaratch that: Building an app in Swift
  • 7 iOS Tools Overview
  • 8 Building Successful apps for Africa

3. KeyNote: Optimizing ur app for profitability

앱 최적화를 위한 5가지 !!


1. 고객 데이터

  • New VS Returning 유저 분석
    • 히스토리
    • Acquisition Source
    • CLV(Customer Lifetime Value)/LTV(Life-Time Value)

2. 디자인

  • A/B Testing
  • Usability Testing

3. 성능 모니터링

  • Page Load Times
  • Startup Time
  • Crash Rate
  • Device & OS Support
  • Web Service & API Calls

4. ASO / SEO

  • ASO : for Mobile Apps
    • is used to increase rank over app stores
  • SEO : for Web Apps
    • is manipulating search algorithm to get better ranks for websites
  • 즉 검색 최적화 및 상위 랭크 노출

5. 분석

  • Micro KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
    • 핵심성과지표 (마케팅에서 엄청 중요한 개념)
    • ex) Gamebase 로그인 시간
      • 0~0.3 우수
      • 0.3~0.5 : 양호
      • 0.5~1.0 : 중간
      • 1.0 ~ : 불량
  • Active Users/Time

4. Delivering a better UX with in-app support

  • In-app support 기능에 대한 세션

In App Support에는 어떤것들이 있을까?

  • Contact us
    • 사용자의 문의/컨텍은 반응속도가 중요하다. 유저가 편리하게 입력할 수 있도록 하는 UX 제공 !
    • Inline-image-2017-04-10
  • FAQ
    • Inline-image-2017-04-10
  • Boost App Revies
    • 적절한 시간에, 적절한 문구로, 사용자에게 노출되어야함 Inline-image-2017-04-10

In App Support 가 가져다주는 것들


5. Be offensive: Proactively Assessing Your iOS Applications.

  • 보안 보안 보안 !! 대책을 강구하시오 !!

What does being offensive mean ?

  • Be Proactive == Be Offensive
  • Too soon? better than talking about it later
    • OWASP : The Open Web Application Security Project
    • https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Mobile_Top_10_2016-Top_10


  1. Weak Server Side Controls
  2. Insecure Data Storage
    • Local 에 저장을 하면 안되곘죠? (중요 민감한 데이터)
    • SQLite DB
    • Log Files
    • Plist Files
    • XML Data Stores or Manifest Files
    • Binary Data stores
    • Cookie Store
    • SD Card
    • Cloud Synced
  3. Insufficient Transport Layer
    • Apple TLS1.2 –> 미국에서도 애플보고 shut it up 이라고 하는구나 !
    • App Transport Security iOS 9/10 -> NSAllowsArbitaryLoads true !!!!! Please No !
  4. Untenteded Data Leakage
    • Platform cache storage
    • Clipboard data
      • nil로 처리를 해줘서, 로그아웃등에도 비밀번호 등이 남아있는 것을 방지 !!
    • Debug …
  5. Poor Authorization and Authentication
    • Psychological Acceptability
    • Spoofable values used for authentication
      • Deice IDs / Geo-locations 등은 쓰지말자…
    • Client-side A&A
    • Fingerprint Readers
  6. Broken Cryptography
    • Nothing differnt than what we have heard before
    • salt 같은 경우는 코드에 하드코딩하지말고, 서버에서 받거나.. 하는 식으로 하자 !
  7. Client Side Injection
    • SQLite Injection
    • JavaScript Injection(XSS)
    • mail title로 아래와 같이하면 접근이 가능(했었다) ```html

    <iframe src=’file:///proc/self/…’ …/> ```

  8. Security Decisions via Untrusted Inputs
    • Inter Process Communication(IPC)
      • openURL 에서 authorization 을 확인하자 !!!!! ```html


  9. Improper Session Handling
    • Logout을 눌렀을 때, 세션을 핸들링하도록하자 ! = Failure to validate sessions on backend
    • Inadequate or improperly managed Session Timeouts
      • Client AND server side
    • Cookie problems
  10. Lack of Binary Protections
    • IMHO (Security by obscurity)
    • Disabling Code Encryption
    • Jailbreak Detection Evasion
    • Class Dumping
    • Method Swizzling
    • Runtime Code Injection, Motitoring and Analysis
    • Reverse Engineering
    • Bytecode Conversion
    • Disassembly

Be Offensive

  1. Write and Test Security Stories !!
    • Wagile : Complete All the stories !!
  2. Test APIs Too !!
    • Web Sockets / HTTP(S)/COAP/UDP/TCP <–> The Internetz <–> APIs
  3. Incorporate Testing Tools DURING Development
    • Common Tools
      • IDB
        • Lots of FUN in one box
      • Proxy Tools
        • Burp, ZAP, etc
        • rvictl
      • Cycript
      • MobSF
  4. Use REAL Devices !
    • The Simulator is a garbage !
  5. Learn the Device and Jailbreak them
    • Jailbreak -Yalu - 10.0.0-10.2
      • Pangu - 9.0-9.1 and 9.2-9.3.3
    • File Viewers
    • iExplorer
    • iFUnBox
    • Keychain
  6. Test Prod Deployments
    • Development <——> Test Boundary <——> App Store
    • What to examine?
      • Who is IPA signed as? -codesign -dv -verbose = 4 APP_BINARY
      • TLS?
        • sslabs

6. Scaratch that: Building an app in Swift

원래 회사원이 전부 ObjC 개발자

“야 스위프트로 한번 해보자. 우리 빼고 전부 스위프트 하더라”

“그래 !! 우리 앱을 싹 갈아엎어보자 !!”

“확실히 Swift가 좋긴 좋구나 !!”


  • git : https://github.com/d2burke/matchup

7. iOS Tools Overview


  • Inline-image-2017-04-17
    • Xcode !
  • Inline-image-2017-04-17
    • AppCode ! (jetbrains)


  • SwiftLint
  • OCLint
    • http://oclint.org/
$ brew tap oclint/formulae
$ brew install oclint

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade oclint


$ gem install xcpretty

> ~~~ Build Phase
source ~/.bash_profile
xcodebuild clean
xcodebuild | xcpretty -r json-compilation-database
oclint-json-compilation-database -- -report-type xcode


$ xcodebuild -project Gamebase.xcodeproj/ |xcpretty -r json-compilation-database --output compile_commands.json



Template Links: https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/resources/

Source Control

  1. GitHub
  2. GitLab
  3. Cocoapods for dependencies
  4. Carthago (~=CoCoapods)
  5. Git-Tower - desktop app for repo management

Testing + Automation

  • XCTest
    • https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/ Conceptual/testing_with_xcode/chapters/03-testing_basics.html#
  • Fastlane
    • https://fastlane.tools
  • Jenkins
    • https://jenkins.io
  • Bots
    • https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/content/documentation/IDEs/ Conceptual/xcode_guide-continuous_integration/ConfigureBots.html#

8. Building Successful apps for Africa

4-data saving strategies for Android

1. Image reduction

  • Image Format
      1. WebP
        • Inline-image-2017-04-17
        • WebP > PNG
      1. CloudFlare Polish
        • Inline-image-2017-04-17
  • Image size
    • Inline-image-2017-04-17
  • User defined data profile
    • Inline-image-2017-04-17

2. API response structure

  • 데이터가 얼마나 자주 변하는지 !
    • 거의 변화가 없는 API Response data는 Caching 정책을 세우자 !
    • Rerely changes vs. Changes often

3. Push Messages

  • Push !!
    • Inline-image-2017-04-17
    • Inline-image-2017-04-17

4. APK size

  • Images
    • Use Vector Graphics : resolution-independent !
  • ProGuard
    • 미사용 코드/리소스 제거
    • https://developer.android.com/studio/build/shrink-code.html?hl=ko
  • Inline-image-2017-04-17